A gig to the unknown

This is the beginning of a gig to the unknown. A month ago, my bread and butter client decided to terminate our contract agreement based on a shift of business. Yes, it was kind of expected, but I was still surprised during our meeting. Maybe because I was not ready to move forward since I love my job with them and it’s not the job that I wanted to stay the whole time, but it’s the sense of belongingness, the camaraderie, the work-life balance, the people.

The least that I can do was to accept it but I was on denial at first since I was busy on the other hand, helping WordCamp Asia 2025, which is also close to my heart. So I felt nothing other than being surprised, for I know I have the skills and I know a lot of people who can help me refer to companies that I can work for when I need to.

Now that the WordCamp Asia 2025 is over and I’m on my last day with my client, I realized I have to do something to look for another bread and butter. I have some friends who recommended to connect with some business owners they know who may be able to help and I can’t thank them enough.

But then again, I thought of giving myself a break first. For maybe a week or two.

Spend some time with kids

It’s been a while since I last played with my kids and be like a kid myself. I have been working a lot and have some few gigs.

The last few days was all about asking them how’s school and friends. Then, hop to my work again updating things online, and then back to them and realize it’s already time to bed. This is our routine. I haven’t had real long conversation with them for quite a while, and I missed it.

I guess it’s time to be a kid again.

Finish my existing projects with my other clients

Sometime last year, I was reconnected with my elementary friend who is now in Florida and a part owner of a Yachting company. Well, it’s not that reconnected reconnected because we were friends since elementary days but last year we had a good talk and she learned that I know how to build a website with WordPress so she asked me to help her update her website. From then on I became her go to person when she needs to update the website.

Then I took the chance to pitch a bit that I know how to build a WordPress website, a basic one. Luckily, she recommended me to her friends and I was hired to create a new one which has gone live in December. This was the first kick to a gig the unknown.

Currently, I am building a new website for her other friend, and then there’s another one coming. I am very much blessed to have some of these coming and I am looking forward to finish these projects, then take a pause to kind of reflect my strength and weakness in this kind of gig.

Redefine my project proposal and workflow

I started my website making gig with no experience on how to manage a business like this. So one of my goal is to take some courses that will help me, hoping to have a better project proposal for my clients and having an organized workflow. Right now it’s only me and my dev working for these clients.

Managing a gig like this is something unknown for me, but I have group of friends whom I can rely on to guide me. This doesn’t sound easy for me though, but I’m quite positive that once I have the right information how to start it up, then it will be much better.

I can’t wait to get more clients in the coming days.

Look for client/s

Once I have a better workflow, there’s no need to delay things. Looking for clients will be my goal. I’m looking to work for a client who needs a website, or someone who needs help updating their website, do an onsite SEO, or start a little online shop.

So there you go! New start, new goals. Join me on this blog and start journeying to the unknown gig with me!

Follow my journey in Facebook, shoot me a message in LinkedIn, or contact me if you have questions.